What the fit are you Determine[d] to do?



DETERMINE[d] Challenge

Register ONLY (CLOSED)

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Register + Early Bird (CLOSED)

Train for the whole month of December

for $100 only (normally $360)


Imagine a New Years Transformation Challenge where everybody wins...

Determined is the 6 week Strength Training K-Fit challenge designed to help you FIT. FIT some "you time" into your day, FIT into those old jeans, FIT permanent healthy habits into your routine and FIT success, new friends and bad-assery into your life...THE life your resolutions want you to carry through.

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Starting the year so strong that you don't fall into the 92% of people who don't achieve their resolutions. It's six hardcore weeks of fitness, nutrition, support, and accountability.

Important Dates:

Challenge Starts: Thursday, 5th January 2023

Challenge Ends: Friday, 17th February 2023

Virtual Orientation Date: Thursday, 5th January 2023 - 7pm to 8pm

Goal Setting Workshop & Kick Off Party: Sunday, 8th January 2023 - 6pm (in person)

Galentines Culmination Brunch: Sunday, 19th February 2023

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- 6 Weeks Unlimited Group Classes (Indoor $700 or Virtual only $450)

- 6 week progressive load, personal training program or 6 ultrasonic cavitation fat burning treatments

- Push Up Challenge

- Progress photos & measurements

- Body composition analysis with in body scale

- Strategy coaching session

- Teams split up with assigned coaches based on goals

- Challenge orientation & Goal setting workshop

- Stomach Vacuum 45 day routine

- EatBetterMeals add on perk: 6 days a week delivered to your door fresh fit meals tailored to achieve your fitness goals

- Supplement guide to optimize your results

- 6 week meal plan with a recipe guide based on bulking or shredding goals.

- 6 Print and go already weekly grocery lists.

Plus TWO challenge package options:

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Indoor: Six weeks of Unlimited group classes, Plus SIX personal training sessions $700

Virtual Only: Six weeks of VIRTUAL Unlimited group classes $450

$350 Registration to reserve your spot. Early Bird Specials: Register during Black Friday weekend for an additional 20% off registration or start early and train the whole month of December for only $100. Balance can we paid by January 15th.

๐—ช๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐…๐ˆ๐“ ๐๐จ ๐ˆ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ง?

Thought you'd never ask! Aside from bragging rights, a gym addiction, and a pack of unicorn friends...

๐Ÿ†1st place: 2 Months Free Unlimited Training (1 winner from each team: Muscle Builders and Shredders)

๐Ÿ†EVERYONE ELSE your prize is up to you!

๐Ÿ˜ฑ ๐—ช๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐…๐ˆ๐“ ๐๐จ ๐ฐ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ž๐š๐ง? Well, EVERYONE WINS.

๐Ÿค— Everyone else, the K-Fit Double! That's double what you lose in BFI% or gain in MM (whichever is higher) as a percentage discount off your next package!

๐Ÿ˜That's right, if you lose 5%BFI we give you 10% off if you lose 10%BFI will give you 20% off

Register ONLY (CLOSED)
Register + Early Bird (CLOSED)

Train for the whole month of December

for $100 only (normally $360)

It Only Takes 3 Yeses To Change

Hi, I'm Coach Karina. I help women who have failed in the past, to finally transform their bodies once and for all.

Would you like to end the endless yo-yo weight loss cycle and attain the fitness goals you've always dreamed of?

If you can answer YES to at least 3 of these questions, I can help you...

  • Are you tired of trying to lose the same 10-30 pounds, year in and year out?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable the way your clothes fit and dread having to buy the next size up?
  • Do you start your morning with low energy and it only gets worse as the day goes on?
  • Do you crave and give in to sweets and junk food, even knowing it'll make you feel worse?
  • Does your motivation to get in better shape only last a few weeks?
  • Do you get bored of diet plans and diet foods?
  • Does your stomach feel constantly bloated?
  • Do you get out of breath and sweat easily?
  • Do you wish you could find your perfect program that will not only help you get the results you want but also be fun, exciting and sustainable?

If Answered YES To At Least 3 Of These Questions Then Our 6-Week DETERMINE[d] Transformation Challenge Is Your Solution

Every day we get to help women breakthrough the yo-yo failure cycle and finally attain their ultimate fitness goals.

Whether you landed here on purpose or by chance - I want to make it a lucky day for you...

Right now we are looking for our next amazing success story - and the way we do that, is through our 6-Week Determine[d] Transformation Challenge.

Friend, if you have been struggling with your weight...

If you've been struggling with not feeling energetic and vibrant...

And if you've been struggling with not feeling confident about your body...

The solution is waiting for you, and it only takes 6 Weeks.

Don't wait another day to get started, take the first step and reserve your spot RIGHT NOW!

Register + Early Bird (CLOSED)

Train for the whole month of December

for $100 only (normally $360)

Does This Program Actually Work?

The most common feeling when people first learn about our 6-Week Determined Transformation Program is skepticism... Does this program actually work?

And to be honest, if I hadn't seen, first hand, the amazing results our clients experienced every time we run a challenge; I would be skeptical too...

I don't want you to take our word for it on whether our Transformation Program works or not... instead, just look at some of the incredible proof-positive pictures form our recent Transformation Challenge.

With TRANSFORMATIONS like these, there's no doubting why our 6-Week Determine[d] Transformation Challenge fills up every time we run it.

We are very serious about looking for an exercise. Sorry if you think you have the making of a success story, just waiting to break through take the leap and let us help you turn into the best version of yourself.

Register + Early Bird (CLOSED)

Train for the whole month of December for $100 only (normally $360)

What You Can Expect In 6 Weeks

Although everyone's outcomes are going to be different, some of the most common results we see in just 6 weeks are...

  • Develop a healthy relationship with food
  • Learn the LIFESTYLE mindset shift that will take your results to the summer!
  • Become part of a community of women who are just like you and thriving
  • Break the code and become an expert at โ€œgetting out of the funk and back in the grooveโ€
  • Drop 6 to 23 lbs of Fat Without Counting Calories
  • Drop 2 to 4 Dress Sizes
  • Lose 3-7 Inches From Your Waist
  • Tighten and Tone Your Entire Body
  • Feel Energized, Vibrant and Strong
  • Firm Up Hips & Thighs & Behind
  • Define Your Shoulders, Back & Arms (no more batwings)
  • Target Belly Fat Specifically
  • Glow With Total CONFIDENCE When You Put On Your Bathing Suit!
Register + Early Bird (CLOSED)

Train for the whole month of December for $100 only (normally $360)


When you join the 6-Week DETERMINE[d] Transformation Challenge, we literally remove all the guesswork you typically have to do with other programs - and we give you a complete detailed program of exactly which steps you need to take to get amazing results in just 6 weeks!

But This Program Isn't For Everyone...

At K-Fit Boutique Gym, we have a reputation for being the "last stop for fitness results!''

We're proud of this reputation and attribute it to only working with women who are 100% ready to change their lives.

If you are not ready to jump in head first, prepared to do the work - then unfortunately this program isn't for you...

But if you are fed up with not feeling like you're living up to your potential, then our 6-Week DETERMINE[d] Transformation Challenge is the perfect solution for you!

It's that easy. Click the button below to reserve your spot (it's free to apply).

Register ONLY (CLOSED)
Register + Early Bird (CLOSED)

Train for the whole month of December for $100 only (normally $360)

About Your Transformation Coach

"Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage"

Coach Karina

Karina, born and raised in Bogotรก. Colombia is a Group Fitness Instructor, Certified Personal Trainer, Life Coach, and Bikini Competition Pro known for her drive and passion. After working in the veterinary medicine field for over 14 years, she dove into fitness for her own confidence and strength, and the rest is history.

Karina, 6 year leader of the Kfit movement is the owner and founder of a woman exclusive gym in Valley Stream Long Island featured in Univision, Telemundo, news 12, and other media outlets.

Karina, whose very first gym began in a one car garage believes in delivering Fitness from a Life Coaching angle. Her mission is to help her circle reach the point where they finally feel successful, fit, healthy and motivated by THEIR OWN results, while feeling a sense of belong in in empowering supportive community.


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